Thursday, November 7, 2013

Texting with our Boat

It's been a week since we left Mara Beel snoozing in the increasingly chilly waters of the Mississippi south of here, bubbler in place. A couple of local boat owners are keeping an eye on her during the winter months. She may be out of our sight, but we still communicate with our boat via text messages. The wonders of technology!!

These two texts arrived in the middle of the night:


Whew! Must have been a blip in the power supply.

This is more typical:

05:49 MARABEEL Backup batt % : 100 ; 
Ext batt volt: 13.86
MARABEEL Current temp 50.0F, 
Highest recorded temp 102.2F, 
Lowest recorded temp 48.2F

Mara Beel also will tell us where she is by sending us a Google Map location-- sweet!

Mark installed 6 sections of a large, heavy screen on the starboard side of our slip to provide protection against wind, snow and ice.

So, we are as prepared for winter. as we know how to be.